CCII Instructors are qualified, current, accomplished and experienced in crisis negotiations and critical incident stress management. CCII also provides exceptional Critical Incident Scribe training.
Canadian Critical Incident Inc. (CCII) provides current, comprehensive and quality education in Crisis Communications, Negotiations, Active Threat and Critical Incident Stress Management.
Having confident and skilled communicators can quickly de-escalate and manage difficult situations while building trust and enhancing the overall image of your organization and your personal safety. These skills are essential for all front-line responder.
Professional communications and crisis negotiations are one of the most important elements when dealing with members of the public and persons in crisis. CCII has developed this 3-day course to include a braided learning approach that includes both traditional and western approaches to care. Looking at how to support an individual in crisis with traditional approaches and techniques as well as western approaches to create a holistic care model.
You can also browse through our entire course catalogue and request a course you may be interested in.
The Advanced Crisis Negotiations for Front – Line Responders Course and the Critical Incident Stress Management workshop hosted by the Six Nations Health Service (May 2024) the course had great information and I would highly recommend this course.
Six Nations Police Service
The Advanced Crisis Negotiations for Front – Line Responders Course and the Critical Incident Stress Management workshop hosted by the Six Nations Health Service (May 2024) the course was very well put together. The case studies reviewed were most helpful and opened my eyes to managing people in crisis. I would recommend this course.
Six Nations Health Services - Case Manager
The Advanced Crisis Negotiations for Front – Line Responders Course and the Critical Incident Stress Management workshop hosted by the Six Nations Health Service (May 2024) the case studies and hands on experiences relating to managing crisis situations was priceless. I would absolutely recommend this course for front-line crisis responders.
Six Nations Mental Health & Addictions
The Advanced Crisis Negotiations for Front – Line Responders Course and the Critical Incident Stress Management workshop hosted by the Six Nations Health Service (May 2024) had excellent presenters and great information for front line workers. The case studies, real situations and sharing experiences was great. I would recommend this course.
Six Nations Health Services Manager Child & Youth Programs
The Advanced Crisis Negotiations for Front – Line Responders Course and the Critical Incident Stress Management workshop hosted by the Six Nations Health Service (May 2024) provided my TERT response team great skills and techniques. The guest speakers for day three and four were most helpful.
Operational Services Manager - H.R Policies/Mediations
The Advanced Crisis Negotiations for First Responders Course hosted by the Mnidoo Mnising Mental Wellness Response Team, Little Current ON (May 2024). I would absolutely recommend this course, it was over and above my expectations. The instructors were excellent!
Sheshegwaning First Nation - National Native Alcohol & Drug Addiction Program Worker
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