Published on Sep 23, 2015
Greetings, I trust your summer was enjoyable and you took advantage of this great province during the summer. I know some of you had your annual leave restricted due to the Pam Am Games, however the weather in August has been great. My wife and I had a great time on the boat and a couple short motorcycle trips.
I have been busy working with Gerry Foster and his team at the Stratford Police Service regarding the fall seminar as well as course development and improvements. I had the pleasure of presenting the Crisis Negotiation Techniques for First Responders July 29, to members for the Waterloo Regional Police, London P.S. (911 Coms CTR.), Woodstock P.S. (911 Coms CTR.) as well as members of the Durham Mental Health Services. The mental health workers are part of Durham Regional Police Service Mental Health Unit, which provides a mobile crisis intervention team to the front line ofcers when responding to people in crisis. Having the mobile crisis intervention workers expand their knowledge in crisis negotiations and critical incident command is an added value to their demanding mandate.
As I continue to update and adjust the crisis negotiators course and the critical incident commanders course, I was once again reminded that the value of the CCII courses is the knowledge and experience the instructors have. As a former member for the Durham Regional Police Service Tactical Support Unit for 7 years, 4 years with the Nuclear Security Tactical Response Unit and 20 years as a crisis negotiator, I bring a tremendous amount of experience and value to the CCII courses.
CCII Critical Incident Commanders Course Co-Instructor, Inspector Greg Lamport of the Waterloo Regional Police Service is a former tactical officer and has instructed at Canadian Police College and Ontario Police College. Moreover, he has taught Incident Command to members of the Indonesian National Police Service. Greg Lamport is currently assigned as a critical incident commander on a rotating basis. His knowledge and experience, particularly being on call as an incident commander, brings exceptional value and meaning to the CCII Commanders course. additionally, having the courses accredited by the Ministry of Community Safety and correctional services, is vital piece of the CCII product.
Another added value to the CCII courses is Dr. Peter Collins, Dr. Mini Mamak and Dr. Jean-Guy Gagnon instructing the mental health portion for the Crisis Negotiators Course and the Critical Incident Commander course. Not only are they recognized leaders in their profession, but they have extensive “at the scene” experience supporting the incident commander and the negotiating team while attending critical incident call outs day and night. It is a privilege to share the same CCII course with them.
Crisis negotiation and critical incident command training is an important aspect of policing. To ensure the members receive the best training methods alongside the fundamental skills and abilities to do their job safely, and the best serve the public at time of crisis, is paramount. Notwithstanding the Ontario Regulation 3/99 of the Police Services Act, adequacy and effectiveness of police service provides a legal obligation to ensure proper training methods and time lines are followed.
Crisis negotiation and critical incident command is not an applied or pure science, therefore there is no right or wrong answer. Crisis negotiation and critical incident command is a skill, art and an aptitude based on current, sound and accredited course training standards. Furthermore, instructors with actual hands on experience are essential for the crisis negotiators and critical incident commanders success. Crisis negotiations and critical incident command is one of the most stressful and complex challenges, a police officer will face. The properly trained negotiator or commander will be able to justify and correctly articulate his or her actions to the senior command, media and possibly a tribunal or inquiry.
The annual fall conference has been changed to seminar to reflect the changes in the program. The case studies will be presented in a way to offer more interaction with those attending, thereby enhancing the learning experience. I am grateful for commitment and level of professionalism from the hosting police agencies over the last three years, since taking over CCII. I have been listening to the feedback and I continue to improve the conference/seminars to make it an enjoyable networking and learning experience.
Crisis negotiation, critical incident command and related tactics is a dynamic, challenging and demanding aspect of policing, that requires constant training. Learning from each other’s experience has proven to be an excellent way to improve and maintain a high level of standards.
I hope to see you at the CCII – Stratford Police Service Fall Seminar, October 26 to 28, 2015!
Take care and be safe,
Tom Hart,
CCII welcomes Serenity Sandford to the list of accomplished course instructors.
Critical Incident Scribe Course hosted by the Durham Regional Police with participants from Kingston P.S, Barrie P.S, Stratford P.S, Sault Ste. Marie P.S, Greater Sudbury P.S and the Port Hope P.S
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