Published on Mar 20, 2014
This winter in Ontario has offered a lot for those who enjoy the great outdoors, with its record cold temperatures and abundant snowfall. I managed to enjoy some ice fishing last month which included an excellent fish fry. I am sure like most; we are looking for an end to the winter. It's time for the snow to melt and get ready for some boating, biking, golfing, gardening or whatever outdoor interest you may have.
I am pleased to report that the CCII membership has grown over the last year. It is the only Canadian publication, that I am aware of, which deals specifically with Crisis Negotiation and Critical Incident Command. In order to keep up with the changes and demand of policing today, I have broadened the publication to include matters of mutual interest among the membership. Topics such as, social media and mental health have an enormous influence on our day to day lives and places real challenges on the duties of an Incident Commander, Tactical Officer or Crisis Negotiator.
The Command Post will continue to feature Incident Command/Crisis Negotiation call outs, which provided interesting scenarios with a "lessons learned" element to it. I truly believe that Crisis Negotiations and Incident Command is a learned skill, based on sound training practices, procedures, knowledge and experiences. The lessons learned and new or interesting techniques are freely shared among our members.
The CCII Fall Conference will be co-hosted this year with the Guelph Police Service. It will be taking place at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Centre, 601 Scottsdale Road Guelph, Ontario 27 to 29 2014. Inspector Scott Green and his team and I are working at building another outstanding fall conference. The theme this year is "Critical Incident Command in The Future".
CCII delivered a Critical Incident Commanders course to the Chatham-Kent Police Service. With the assistance of CCII Advisory Board member, Waterloo Regional Police Inspector Greg Lamport and I. This course was Accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Service via the Ontario Police College (OPC). Meeting and exceeding the OPC course training standards ensures quality and court defensible training to the police services.
CCII's 2013 Fall Conference hosted by the Ottawa Police Service was a tremendous success. The Ottawa Police Service experienced team did a terrific job ensuring that every detail was taken care of, making it a huge success. S/Sgt. Lynne Turnbull is stepping down from her position as Vice President of CCII Executive. Her professionalism, dedication and experience as Crisis Negotiator, was a valuable asset to CCII. I want to sincerely thank Lynne for sharing her knowledge and advice during her time with CCII Executive.
OPP S/Sgt. Krista Miller has moved on to the operational side of policing. Krista was a valued member of the CCII Advisory Board. Her experience as a Crisis Negotiator and the Provincial Coordinator for the O.P.P. Crisis Negotiation Program was a tremendous benefit to the CCII membership and complimented the Advisory Board. Krista was always very helpful and willing to share her knowledge and experience. I want to earnestly thank Krista for her unconditional support.
I am grateful t o h ave S/Sgt. Monique Rollin for the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service join the CCII Advisory Board. Monique will be representing northern Ontario. Monique has been a Crisis Negotiator, Team Leader and Team Training Coordinator for the last 17 years. Monique brings a great deal of knowledge, skill and experience to the CCII Advisory Board. The Sault St. Marie Police Services is seriously committed to handling any type of critical incident, with its very well trained and equipped Emergency Services Unit. The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service, Emergency Services Unit is profiled in this edition of the Command Post.
There are several CCII courses in the n ear future, beginning with two accredited Crisis Negotiators Course. The first hosted by the Windsor Police Service from March 16 to 21 followed by the second course hosted at York regional Police Service from March 31 to April 4, 2014.
Also Brantford Police Service is hosting a CCII Critical Incident Refreshed Workshop from April 14 to 16 2014. And later in the year the Greater Sudbury Police Service will be hosting a Critical Incident Refresher Workshop from November 3 to 5, 2014.
We will also be providing a one day Crisis Negotiation Workhop at the Blue Line Expo, on April 29 2014. The Blue Lin Expo and Awards Gala will be held at the Ajax Convention Centre, 550 Beck Crescent Ajax, ON.
Please check the CCII website for details on courses, workshops and the fall conference.
One last comment, I want to thank the Executive Team and the Advisory Board members for their continued support. The CCII Advisory Board is unique, like no other training organization in crisis negotiations and incident command. The education, skill set, and the depth of experience is truly second to none.
Tom Hart,
CCII welcomes Serenity Sandford to the list of accomplished course instructors.
Critical Incident Scribe Course hosted by the Durham Regional Police with participants from Kingston P.S, Barrie P.S, Stratford P.S, Sault Ste. Marie P.S, Greater Sudbury P.S and the Port Hope P.S
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