Published on Sep 23, 2013
I hope everyone had a safe and fun summer. There is no place like Ontario in the summer!
I have received many positive comments on the new magazine style format of the Command Post newsletter and the improvements to the CCII website. Thanks to the talented and creative people at Interphased.
The Command Post will continue featuring Incident Command and Crisis Negotiation Training exercises from our membership. Presenting the diverse training scenarios or incident command call outs and sharing the experiences and lessons learned benefits everyone. And it is the primary role of CCII. The Timmins Police Service, Emergency Response Team will be featured in this issue of the Command Post thanks to Sgt. Marty Delich CCII will be co-hosting with the Ottawa Police Service, Fall Conference on October 28,29 and 30th 2013. It will be held at the beautiful National Hotel in down town Ottawa. Reserve your room by Sept 27th to receive a special rate.
S/Sgt. Lynne Turnbull with her experienced team and I have been working hard to build on last year’s successful conference and deliver an informative, interesting and exciting conference. This year’s theme is the influence social media has on incident command teams and the unique challenges it presents to Incident Commanders, Tactical members, Negotiators and the Media Relations Offcer. We are thrilled with a list of dynamic guest speakers.
Det. Warren Bulmer of the Toronto Police Service will be discussing the role social media had during the Boston Bombing Investigation. Det. Bulmer recently qualified in the Ottawa Superior Court as an expert on Facebook specifically on the aspect of the social network and the impact it has on police investigations.
It is my pleasure to announce that FBI Supervisor Special Agent Michael Yansick of the Critical Incident Response Group, Crisis Negotiation Unit will be providing interesting case studies at this years fall conference.
In this issue of the Command Post Dr. Mamak and Dr. Hy Bloom have prepared an article regarding Not Criminally Responsible. It is an excellent overview of the complicated process that will surely offer some insight to the Richard Kachkar case.
Also in the Command Post Professor Frank Travoto writes an interesting and valuable article relating to leadership and incident command.
I am pleased to have Stephanie Conn presenting an interesting article on secondary traumatic stress disorder (STSD). It is a very good read with some surprising facts.
CCII will be delivering the Critical Incident Commanders Course and Refresher to Chatham-Kent Police Service, October 7 to 11, 2013. Please contact S/Sgt. Rose Kucharuk or Sgt. Jon Mudler for more details.
The Crisis Intervention Techniques for the First Responder continues to get interest from both the public and private sectors. I presented a workshop for the Blue Line Expo and recently to the City of Toronto Security Staff. The workshop helps first responders to recognize and understand common mental illnesses. Furthermore it also develops higher situational awareness, subject assessment, expands defusing techniques, enhances active listen skills and tactical communications. This workshop will significantly strengthen their ability to resolve a crisis situation with minimal use of force, and will help reduce officer’s injury and promote public safety and police accountability when dealing with people in a state of crisis.
I want to thank the Executive Members and the Advisory Board. I want to personally thank the Advisory Board members who continue to support CCII over the years, they are; Dr. Peter Collins Forensic Psychiatrist, Dr. Mini Mamak Forensic Psychologist, Dr. Jim Cairns Deputy Regional Coroner (Ret),Inspector Greg Lamport Waterloo Regional Police, Staff Sergeant Dean Streefkerk London Police Service Emergency Support Section and Staff Sergeant Krista Miller of the OPP Crisis Negotiation Program Coordinator.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Fall Conference in Ottawa!
Thank you, take care and be safe .
Tom Hart,
CCII welcomes Serenity Sandford to the list of accomplished course instructors.
Critical Incident Scribe Course hosted by the Durham Regional Police with participants from Kingston P.S, Barrie P.S, Stratford P.S, Sault Ste. Marie P.S, Greater Sudbury P.S and the Port Hope P.S
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