Published on Mar 20, 2014
First and foremost it is very sad to report the deaths of Cst. Steve Dery of the Kativik Regional Police Force and Cst. Jennifer Kovach of the Guelph Police Service. My sincere condolences to their families, and their extended family members on the job.
I am excited about the changes to the web site, thanks to Interphased. The web design allows for much easier access to the Executive, Advisory Board members, learning opportunities, conferences and the copies of the Command Post.
CCII members will easily and securely access current and past issues of the Command Post publications. This will be done by using your own email address. This great improvement makes it simple and effective to access.
The 2012 fall conference was a tremendous success. I received many positive comments at the conference as well as numerous emails.
I must say the theme PTSD was timed coincidentally with the release of the Ontario’s Ombudsman Report “In the line of duty.” I recommend you get a copy on-line.
The guest speaker, Dr. Sean O’Brien gave a very enlightening discussion into the serious but treatable illness of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). OPP D/Insp. Rick Kruger (Ret.) gave a compelling and honest presentation on his personal struggle with PTSD. His courage and tenacious effort assisted in bring the matter to the Ontario Ombudsman.
More information and photos on the successful fall conference are in this newsletter on page 4.
I am excited to announce, that CCII will be co-hosting this year’s fall conference along with the Ottawa Police Service. It will be held at the National Hotel October 28, 29, 30 2013. More details are mentioned in this newsletter.
I am very pleased to introduce Professor Frank Trovato to the CCII Advisory Board. Frank is currently a professor and consultant with the university and college sectors and was recently the former Program Head for the Justice Studies Program at the University of Guelph-Humber and Program manager at Humber College in Police Foundations Leadership Diploma.
Prior to his educational career, Frank was a former Inspector with the Toronto Police Service where he served on several committees and task forces dealing with the vulnerable and the mentally ill population.
Frank brings expertise in strategic management and leadership training. He will certainly broaden and enhance the expertise and skill level of the current Advisory Board members.
CCII is committed to improving on and developing new training models. Recently, CCII developed the Crisis Intervention Techniques for the First Responders. This one day workshop is a unique blend of crisis negotiation, effective communication, defusing/de-escalating tactics and incident command procedures. I was overwhelmed by the response and interest in this workshop. Guelph Police Service hosted the workshop, which attracted 70 people. StrathroyCaradoc Police Service held two classes. I received a number of positive comments and emails.
CCII has completely revamped the Incident Commanders and Crisis Negotiators courses, particularly the scenario based training exercise, where I received good feedback from the Thunder Bay Police Service.
CCII and the Ottawa Police Service are very excited to announce this year’s fall conference, October 28, 28 and 29, 2013. It will be held at the wonderful National Hotel and Suites in the centre of Ottawa.
CCII is building on last year’s great success and will be presenting dynamic guest speakers and interesting case studies on a number of current and vital issues that relates to the challenging demands of incident command and crisis negotiations. I am looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
Please check the web site for details on the conference and updates on learning solutions.
One last comment, I want to thank the Executive Team and the Advisory Board members for their unconditional support. The CCII Advisory Board is unique, like no other training organization in crisis negotiations and incident command. The education, skill set and depth of experience is truly second to none.
Take care and be safe.
Tom Hart,
CCII welcomes Serenity Sandford to the list of accomplished course instructors.
Critical Incident Scribe Course hosted by the Durham Regional Police with participants from Kingston P.S, Barrie P.S, Stratford P.S, Sault Ste. Marie P.S, Greater Sudbury P.S and the Port Hope P.S
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